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REHES: Research on Higher Education and Science in Switzerland


Aim of the Working Paper Series
The REHES Working Paper Series aims to stimulate research on science and higher education in Switzerland. The goal is to promote mutual awareness of scientific work on higher education and science in Switzerland by creating a forum in which relevant research work can be shared within the REHES community and other interested parties. The REHES community encourages young researchers as well as advanced scientists to share their work via the REHES Working Paper Series. The series is open to thematically relevant contributions from all scientific disciplines. Interested authors are welcome to consult the REHES position paper in order to assess the possible match of their contribution with the REHES Working Paper Series before submission.

Possibility of different contribution formats
The REHES Working Paper Series will preferably publish research articles, although other evidence-based contribution formats are also possible, such as conceptual contributions that are relevant to the REHES community or contributions that take a position on current developments in the Swiss higher education and scientific landscape from a scientific perspective. 


The review and publication procedure comprises the following steps:

  • Papers should be submitted to the editorial office in Word format (.docx). ( Christian Wassmer
  • The editorial office and the editorial team act as a first entry point. They initiate the review process. If there are obvious quality issues or if the contribution does not fit the general orientation of the REHES Working Paper Series, the editorial office and editorial team can decide to reject a contribution immediately (desk reject).
  • The quality of each submission will be evaluated by two reviewers (double blind).
  • Authors receive notification (acceptance / rejection) and, if accepted, have time to take up feedback from the reviews.
  • The paper will be published online in pdf format on the REHES website and in the ZORA repository and will be freely accessible.


Open Source Publication
The contributions are licensed under the Creative Commons license BY-NC-ND (Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives). The REHES Working Paper Series has an ISSN number, and individual contributions will be assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). 
The REHES Working Paper Series offers a retraction option for contributions, should one be necessary for the final publication of a further developed manuscript in a journal or as a book contribution.


Formal specifications

  • Manuscripts submitted to the REHES Working Paper Series shall be in the English language. 
  • The contributions include title, subtitle, author information (name, mail address and notes on contributors [max. 1000 characters with space]), abstract [max. 1250 characters with space; contain no literature references], four to six keywords, body text and bibliography)
  • Use no more than 3 levels of headings or outlines.
  • Figures can be introduced. These are numbered and given a title and, if necessary, described with supplementary information.
  • It is possible to submit additional information (instrument description, data material description, etc.) in an appendix.
  • Footnotes may contain additional information that would otherwise disrupt the normal flow of the text. Use footnotes as rarely as possible. Endnotes are not accepted.
  • Highlighted words or parts of sentences in the running text shall be written in italic.
  • A block indentation is used for longer quotations. 
  • Technical abbreviations should be explained the first time they appear in the text.
  • Acknowledgements should be placed in a separate section before the bibliography. Names of funding agencies should always be spelled out.
  • Cite and prepare the bibliography according to the guidelines of the American Psychological Association APA (7th ed.).
  • Sources in the bibliography must be cited in the preceding text and must be already published or accepted for publication.
  • DOIs (if available) should always be included as full DOI links in the bibliography (e.g. "").


Editorial Office
Christian Wassmer (Zurich University of Applied Science)


Editorial Team
Rolf Becker (University of Bern)
Christine Böckelmann (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts)
Stefan Denzler (Swiss Coordination Centre for Research in Education SCCRE)
Gaële Goastellec (University of Lausanne)
Benedetto Lepori (Università della Svizzera Italiana)
Michael Ochsner (Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences)
Christian Wassmer (Zurich University of Applied Sciences)
Franziska Zellweger (Zurich University of Teacher Education)


Editorial Board
Ivar Bleiklie (University of Bergen)
Harry de Boer (University of Twente)
Jurgen Enders (University of Bath)
Julian Hamann (Humboldt University of Berlin)
Jeroen Huisman (Ghent University)
David Kaldewey (University of Bonn)
Bernd Kleimann (German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies)
Anna Kosmutzky (Leibniz University Hannover)
Georg Krucken (University of Kassel)
Peter Maassen (University of Oslo)
Simon Marginson (University of Oxford)
Martina Merz (University of Klagenfurt)
Christine Musselin (SciencesPo)
Catherine Paradeise (Institute for Research and Innovation in Society)
Attila Pausits (University for Continuing Education Krems)
Juliana Raupp (Free University of Berlin)
Emanuela Reale (National Research Council of Italy)
Bjorn Stensaker (University of Oslo)
Richard P. Watermeyer (University of Bristol)

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Center for Higher Education and Science Studies

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Call for Publications

The REHES Working Paper Series is open for relevant publication submissions at any time. For more information please refer to the Call for Publications

Author's notes REHES Working Paper Series

The author's notes for the REHES Working Paper Series contain important informations for any submission.

Download the Author's notes