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With the aim of strengthening the institutionalisation and networking of research on Higher Education and Science in Switzerland, we offer an overview of current research here.
A mapping of research on science and higher education institutions in Switzerland was created within the framework of the CHESS project "Building a Research Network for the Swiss Higher Education Area" (German) (PDF, 2 MB). It is aligned to a mapping of German higher education research by Martin Winter and René Krempkow. Kartierung Forschung Hochschule und Wissenschaft (PDF, 280 KB) (German)
Carole Probst Schilter (Director) and Christian Wassmer (Collaborator) at the ZHAW have created a mapping of Swiss university researchers as part of their ongoing Project on the analysis of Higher Education and Science in Switzerland, and have generously provided it to us.
The mapping "Key Actors in Higher Education Research and Science Studies (HERSS)" offers a worldwide mapping of higher education and science research. The aim of this mapping is to provide an overview of the most important actors in this field. It also focuses on research centres and organisations in Germany and their local and international cooperation.
Key Actors in Higher Education Research and Science Studies (HERSS)
A mapping of Higher Education Research in Austria was developed by "Netzwerk Hochschulforschung Österreich" with the goal of actively supporting the visibility and networking of Austrian Higher Education Research.